Internet Culture
Age has largely been a predominant factor or looked at the very least looked at as one within the internet culture. Generally the younger generations that grew up with technology it came very easy to them while the older generations struggled with it as it was introduced later in their lives. The assumptions with digital natives is that they will naturally understand and be good with technology and working with it. I think this assumption is generally correct but as always there will be exceptions to this. It is still a good idea to teach younger generations digital literacy and make sure they understand everything going on and how to properly use technology.
I would consider myself a native, I have grown up with technology and the internet for my whole life. It has always been around me and been a part of my life. Its the only way I have ever really known.
“Until recently, with the exception of gaming, computing was almost solely linked to ideas of efficiency and goal–orientated functionality. Only now are we witnessing the social appropriation of new computing technologies.” (White & Le Cornu, 2011) This is something that stood out to me in the readings because I hadn’t thought of this before. It seems like currently the majority of uses for technology revolve around social media and connecting with people from around the world and seeing what they’re doing. When I was younger it seemed like the main focus what programs simplifying tasks or bringing about resolves to some problems. #ci2312